About Me

Noah, a white Somatic Sex Educator and Sexologic Bodyworker, is leaning towards the camera smiling with one eye closed. They are wearing a peach shirt and there are hints of purple and peach in the background.

My interest in sex, gender, and pleasure started at a young age - informed in part by life on my family’s farm. I was quite young when I began helping my mother and working alongside her facilitate births, breeding, and deaths in the barns… which certainly shaped my young mind deeply! Other deep shaping from my young life included experiences of sexual abuse, as well as early inner questions about my gender and orientation.

As I aged, I discovered many wonderful books exploring the biology, spirituality, and culture of gender and sexuality. While pursuing my undergraduate degree I was enrolling in courses titled ‘Sex, Sexuality, and Sexual Difference’, ‘Human Sexuality’, ‘Feminist Psychologies’. I co-founded a peer wellness collective. I wrote articles about sexuality for the student newspaper. I also started a business sewing gender expansive lingerie.

After completing my degree, I joined Come As You Are Co-operative. During my decade of time as a worker/owner at this co-operatively owned anti-capitalist sex shop I trained with notable sex educators such as Emily Nagoski, Luna Matatas, Ducky DooLittle, Courtney Trouble, Cory Silverberg, Andrea Zanin, and Midori. I read stacks of books, watched hours and hours of porn, learnt about thousands of sex toys, and had countless conversations and email exchanges supporting customers in their pleasure goals.

During my time at CAYA, I also co-founded GenderGear.ca - a website for trans and gender non-conforming people that offers gender affirming products. And, I organized and ran the yearly Erotic Arts and Crafts Fair - a vibrant day of celebration of DIY indie sex, arts, and craft culture in Toronto. After leaving the co-op I began working with Fuze Toys - Canada’s largest maker of medical grade silicone dilators and sex toys.

My world evolved to include trauma and complex illness recovery in 2017 when I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. First by religiously studying The Wahls Protocol (a diet and lifestyle approach to managing and reversing the effects of autoimmune diseases and more) and practicing it with life-saving results. Then by exploring somatic therapy and healing modalities that aligned with my interests in sexuality and embodiment. I also began an ongoing commitment to training and education by trauma specialist and Jungian analyst Jane Clapp.

Most recently I have certified as a Sexologic Bodyworker and Somatic Sex Educator via the Institute for the Study of Somatic Sex Education, which is at present the only certification program that offers expanded trainings regarding trauma, systemic oppressions, and neurobiology. I now also serve as Adjunct Faculty for the Institute. I have also completed a De-armouring Practitioner Training via Dearmourng Arts in the Netherlands, which blends modern trauma recovery tools with traditional medicine-work practices.

Over the years I’ve pursued a number of other trainings, including the following courses:

  • Fascial Feel: Trauma Informed Myofascial Release for Touch Professionals - Ailsa Keppie

  • Urban Tantra: Sacred Sex for the 21st Century - Barbara Carrellas

  • Traumatic Stress & the Breath - Jane Clapp & Jennifer Snowdon

  • Trauma Informed Buteyko Breath Retraining Program - Jennifer Snowdon

  • Fighting Monkey Movement & Traumatic Stress Recovery - Jane Clapp & Elke Schroeder

  • Embodied Dignity & Boundaries - Jane Clapp

  • Trauma Informed Strength Training - Jane Clapp

  • Movement For Trauma L1 Certification Training - Jane Clapp

  • Awaken The Body, Connect to the Heart De-armouring Training - Nathan Marcuzzi

  • Reiki Energy Healing L1 - Reiki Energy School

I also adore taking time to rest, swim, dance, read, garden, ferment, eat, and bask in the sun! I currently live and work on Lekwungen speaking territory which includes the Songhees and Esquimalt First Nations - colonially known as Victoria, BC.